Site Rules

We try to keep our site rules as friendly as possible, therefor we appeal to your responsibility as an adult. Our main rules are: preserve the natural qualities of the site and avoid causing a nuisance to your neighbours. Below the inevitable rules.

  1. ARRIVAL after 12 PM. Pitches must be vacated by 12 noon on day of departure. Daily tariffs are valid from 12:00 to 12:00 hours. Delayed departure is only permitted with approval of the Site-owner and an extra 50% of the daily tariff will be charged.TARIFFS are composed as follows: per pitch (camping-unit, car and evt little tent) – per person – electricity – tourist tax – eventually pet.
  2. PAYMENT: 2 terms. 14 days after reservation date and 21 days before arrival. Arrangements have to be payed as a whole in advance.
  3.  PARKING at your pitch is allowed (one car per pitch). However when you arrive after 23.00 hours, or your departure is planned before 07.00 hours, you must use the visitor’s parking at the edge of the Camping site. Between 23.00 and 07.00 hours no motorized traffic is allowed on the site!
  4. LETTING of your camping-unit is only allowed after agreement of the site-owner. Your visitors are subject to the same tariffs and rules as the genuine guests.
  5. VISITORS are welcome, but they have to behave in accordance to the sie rules. Visitors have to park their vehicles at the parking in front of the site-owners’ farm. Visitors must report to Reception. You are responsible for your visitors.
  6. PETS Must be kept ON A LEAD AT ALL TIMES on and off the camping area. Please ensure that all messes are cleaned up. Please also ensure that your dog has been recently wormed.
  7. ELECTRIC 6 Amp ELECTRIC HOOK UP available at all pitches. Output 900-Watt (appr.). At these places are high consumers such as heating, kettles, etc. are not allowed. The comfort places can be fused to 16 ampere.
  8. DISPOSAL POINT for CHEMICAL TOILETS as well as LAUNDRY SINK are situated in Toilet and shower Units.
  9. LAUNDERETTE situated in building 1. Coins and Detergent obtainable at the Reception. Do not use your own detergent.
    ♦ COMPOST waste – GREEN container HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH – IRON container (in closed bags only).
    ♦ PAPER and CARTON – YELLOW container
    ♦ GLASS – GREY glass recycling containers
    ♦ CHEMICAL DISPOSAL, batteries – leave at the reception for the CHEMOBOX.
  11. RADIO TV’s and cassette players should be played at a discrete level so as not to inconvenience your fellow campers. Noise should be kept to a minimum between 23.00 hours and 07.00 hours
  12. PARTY TENTS, carpets or plastic sheets outside your tent are not allowed. To protect our lawns from suffocation, it is not allowed to use plastic sheets under your groundsheet.
  13. INSURANCE. Make sure that you are well covered. The Camping-owner does not take responsibility for your losses or accidents
  14. CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Please don’t attach washing lines to the trees. All rubbish should be disposed in the appropriate containers. Portable toilets and waist water should be emptied in the appropriate places. Help us keep the site clean. Don’t throw cigarette-butts and wrappings on the ground. Our camping-site has been rewarded with the Green Key and we are very keen on the preservation of our environment. From our guests we expect the same. Look after your kids and see that they don’t spill water and accompany them to and from the toilet-building.